Durov explains that Telegram Premium will be a subscription plan in a message on his Telegram Channel. Outside of hazy words like "extra features, speed, and resources" and the ability to join a club "that receives new features first," the benefits were not specifically mentioned. He claims that free consumers may still see extra-large documents, media, and stickers submitted by Premium users, implying that these capabilities are obviously part of the Premium package.
Telegram Premium is said to include a 4GB upload limit, better download speeds, no adverts, unique reactions, premium stickers, animated avatars, a profile badge, and other features, according to previous leaks. Durov did not discuss Telegram Premium price today, although rumours suggested it will be $4.99 per month. All existing features will be preserved.Telegram Premium is said to include a 4GB upload limit, better download speeds, no adverts, unique reactions, premium stickers, animated avatars, a profile badge, and other features, according to previous leaks. Durov did not discuss Telegram Premium price today, although rumours suggested it will be $4.99 per month. All present features will continue to be free, while Durov assures that not all future additions will be paid.