Initially, Telegram was hesitant to incorporate the Stories feature, considering its widespread availability on various platforms. However, the relentless requests from users have prompted the company to reconsider. The implementation of Stories on Telegram will grant users greater control over their content's visibility. Users will be able to choose whether their Stories are available to everyone, specific contacts, or a select group of close friends. The Stories section will appear at the top of the users' chat list, offering easy access to this engaging feature.
Enhanced User-Friendly Features
Telegram has taken user feedback into account while designing the Stories feature. The app will introduce the option to hide Stories posted by specific contacts, ensuring a personalized experience. By moving a contact's Stories to the "Hidden" list within the Contacts section, users can curate their Stories feed to their liking. Furthermore, Telegram will enable users to add captions, links, and tag other users in their Stories, enhancing the interactive nature of the feature. Another unique addition is the ability to simultaneously post photos and videos captured using both the front and rear cameras, providing creative freedom to storytellers.
Controlled Expiration and Profile Enhancement
Telegram Stories will offer users the flexibility to determine the duration for which their Stories are visible. Users can choose between expiration periods of six, 12, 24, or 48 hours, tailoring their content to suit their preferences. Additionally, Telegram will introduce a feature reminiscent of Instagram's Story highlights, allowing users to permanently display selected Stories on their profile page. This functionality will enrich user profiles and provide a glimpse into their most memorable moments.
Boosting Channels and Fostering Connections
Telegram aims to leverage the Stories feature to enhance channels' exposure and attract more subscribers. Users will soon have the ability to repost messages from channels to their own Stories, amplifying content reach and engagement. By intertwining Stories with channels, Telegram aspires to create a more connected and engaging social media experience for its users.
The Future of Telegram: Stories on the Horizon
Following extensive internal testing, even the initially skeptical members of the Telegram team have expressed their appreciation for the Stories feature. As the feature approaches its final testing stage, Durov believes that it will "herald a new era on Telegram." With the introduction of Stories, Telegram seeks to elevate the social media aspects of the platform and foster a deeper sense of connection among its users.