Today, however, the battery topic develops in a different juncture, the Korean giant Samsung has in fact been involved in a legal battle for an alleged patent violation. Let's see what it is.
Everything starts from the Patent Society K. Mirza LLC who has intended, on May 20, a legal cause against Samsung, accused of having adopted a battery technology originally developed by the Dutch research institute "Nederlandse organisatie voor togepast NatururWetenSchappelijk Onderzoe"
All smartphones have a section inside the settings where the residual charge estimate is indicated, the device to do this uses a sophisticated algorithm which, analyzing the behavior of users, manages to determine how much charge is still available on a mobile device.
As with all things, the development of such a technology also requires time and resources, and according to the company that has the patent, the smartphone manufacturer would have used the algorithm unduly, without having the authorization. However, all this would have happened in non -recent times, given that the accusations of patent violation concern versions of the operating system preceding the current ones, making devices such as the last Galaxy S22 are not affected by the diatribe.
In reality it is interesting to note how the cause revolves around the technologies of the Android operating system, and is not closely linked to Samsung software, this means that other OEMs Android could also be involved in the future, since they use the same technology. We will therefore see if in the near future, producers of the caliber of Xiaomi and Google herself, will be called into question in the legal procedure carried out by the patent company, actually going to keep company with Samsung.
Written by Matteo with love from Italy